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Win an exclusive package to The Festival in Malta
Opt-in required. Receive leaderboard points when you enter qualifying Multi-Table Tournaments. Place on the leaderboard to receive an entry ticket to the bet365-exclusive Malta Package tournament. Promotion runs from 11:00 GMT on 1st July until 08:59 GMT on 29th July. Max. one Package per customer. Time limits, leaderboard restrictions, tournament restrictions and T&Cs apply.
Full Terms and Conditions
Here's how it works:
Compete in Multi-Table Tournaments to earn leaderboard points.
Place in the top 75 to receive an entry ticket to the bet365-exclusive Malta Package tournament.
Win the tournament to qualify for a package worth €1,770 for The Festival in Malta live event.
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • The Festival Leaderboard runs from 11:00 GMT on 1st July until 08:59 GMT on 29th July 2024.
  • In order for play to contribute towards point accumulation, you must opt in to The Festival Leaderboard via the Leaderboards section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards point accumulation.
  • In order to earn points towards The Festival Leaderboard, you must play in Multi-Table Tournaments available in the Tournaments section, with a minimum buy-in of €5.
  • Leaderboard points will be awarded as follows:
    Two leaderboard points will be awarded when you play in a Multi-Table Tournament.
    One leaderboard point will be awarded for every player you knock out in KO or PKO tournaments.
    Two leaderboard points will be awarded when you finish in the money (ITM).
    Four leaderboard points will be awarded when you win the tournament.
  • Leaderboard points will be multiplied according to the tournament buy-in amount, as listed below:
    For a buy-in between €5 and €10, your points will be awarded as stated above.
    For a buy-in between €11 and €20, your points will be multiplied by two.
    For a buy-in between €21 and €40, your points will be multiplied by three.
    For a buy-in between €41 and €99, your points will be multiplied by four.
    For a buy-in of €100 or above, points will be multiplied by five.
  • Players finishing within the top 75 places on the leaderboard will be automatically qualified and registered to play in the bet365 Festival Malta Package qualifier tournament. The qualifier tournament takes place at 18:00 GMT on 4th August 2024. Only players who place on The Festival Leaderboard can take part in this tournament. There is no option to buy-in separately.
  • The player who then finishes in first place in the bet365 Malta Package qualifier will be awarded with a Package for the Festival in Malta worth €1,770. You will be contacted by bet365 in order to confirm details about the event, the flighted event in which you wish to take part in Malta and next steps. The player who finishes in second place in the qualifier will receive a €125 entry ticket to the iPoker Royal.
  • By opting in to The Festival Leaderboard you declare that you are ready and able to travel to Malta, in order to participate at The Festival in Malta live event. This includes any and all documents required for travel to the destination. You are also accepting that you will be responsible for your own travel arrangements should you qualify for a Package at The Festival in Malta. Travel will not be provided by bet365 or the event organisers.
  • Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be converted to cash. You must play or forfeit the seat. Any taxes, insurance and other expenses relating to the prize will be the sole responsibility of each winner.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • The Festival Leaderboard runs from 11:00 GMT on 1st July until 08:59 GMT on 29th July 2024.
  • In order for play to contribute towards point accumulation, you must opt in to The Festival Leaderboard via the Leaderboards section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards point accumulation.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
Accumulating Your Points
  • In order to earn points towards The Festival Leaderboard, you must play in Multi-Table Tournaments available in the Tournaments section, with a minimum buy-in of €5.
  • Leaderboard points will be awarded as follows:
    Two leaderboard points will be awarded when you play in a Multi-Table Tournament.
    One leaderboard point will be awarded for every player you knock out in KO or PKO tournaments.
    Two leaderboard points will be awarded when you finish in the money (ITM).
    Four leaderboard points will be awarded when you win the tournament.
  • Leaderboard points will be multiplied according to the tournament buy-in amount, as listed below:
    For a buy-in between €5 and €10, your points will be awarded as stated above.
    For a buy-in between €11 and €20, your points will be multiplied by two.
    For a buy-in between €21 and €40, your points will be multiplied by three.
    For a buy-in between €41 and €99, your points will be multiplied by four.
    For a buy-in of €100 or above, points will be multiplied by five.
  • The leaderboard is automatically updated after each tournament is complete. Leaderboard information can be found in the Leaderboards section of the poker software.
Getting Your Prize
  • Players finishing within the top 75 places on the leaderboard will be automatically qualified and registered to play in the bet365 Festival Malta Package qualifier tournament. Should you qualify for the tournament, you can view your ticket in the Tickets section of the poker software. Once awarded, this will be marked "used" and you will then be able to enter the bet365 Festival Malta package qualifier via the poker lobby on 4th August.
  • The player who then finishes in first place in the bet365 Malta Package qualifier will be awarded with a Package for the Festival in Malta worth €1,770. You will be contacted by bet365 in order to confirm details about the event, the flighted event in which you wish to take part in Malta and next steps. The player who finishes in second place in the qualifier will receive a €125 entry ticket to the iPoker Royal.
  • Fiecare pachet pentru Festivalul din Malta este in valoare de 1.770€. Pachetul include un buy-in de 550€ la evenimentul principal Day 1 al Festivalului din Malta, un zbor la alegerea dumneavoastra intre 10 si 13 septembrie, sase nopti de cazare din 9 pana in 15 septembrie la un hotel situat in St Julian pentru pana la 2 persoane, in valoare de 1.020€ si un pachet de ospitalitate in valoare de 200€.
Using Your Prize
  • The qualifier tournament takes place at 18:00 GMT on 4th August 2024. Only players who place on The Festival Leaderboard can take part in this tournament. There is no option to buy-in separately.
  • Prize Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable and, unless otherwise stated, cannot be converted to cash. If you receive a Package, you must play in the specified tournament or forfeit the Package. Any taxes (relating to winnings from the specified tournament), insurance and other expenses relating to the prize are your sole responsibility.
  • By entering qualifiers, you are accepting that you will be responsible for your own travel arrangements should you qualify for a Package at The Festival in Malta. Travel will not be provided by bet365, the event organisers or the operator.
  • Prize Packages are provided on an ‘as is’ basis and Poker at bet365 shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any acts or omissions of third-party suppliers, including without limitation, airlines, carriage service providers and hotels. For the avoidance of any doubt, it is hereby clarified that Poker at bet365 shall not be responsible in any way for the nature of the event or prizes and their respective quality, and you hereby waive any claim and/or demand in relation thereto.
General Information
  • Trebuie sa cititi acesti termeni si conditii impreuna cu termenii si conditiile noastre generale.
  • The minimum age to enter the casino in Malta is 18 for non-Maltese residents and 25 for Maltese citizens.
  • You cannot win more than one Malta Festival Package during the promotion period.
  • Cu scopul de a combate activitatea frauduloasa, bet365 a introdus metode de detectare si prevenire a abuzului referitor la aceasta oferta. bet365 poate solicita oricarui client sa furnizeze documentele necesare si/sau elemente de verificare in scopul acestei oferte, in mod rezonabil, pentru a ne asigura asupra identitatii clientilor, inainte de a credita contul cu orice oferta, fonduri bonus si/sau castiguri.
  • bet365 isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza castigul oricarui jucator care este descoperit intr-o situatie de colaborare frauduloasa (collusion) sau de "soft play". In plus, in cazul in care contul unui jucator este blocat sau jucatorul este exclus din camera Poker indiferent de motiv, jucatorul respectiv va fi exclus din cadrul acestei promotii.
  • In cazul in care oricare termen din aceasta oferta a fost incalcat sau exista dovezi ale unei serii de pariuri plasate de un client sau un grup de clienti care, datorita unui bonus depozit, unei plati suplimentare sau oricarei alte oferte promotionale, au ca rezultat un profit garantat pentru client, indiferent de rezultat, fie individual sau ca parte a unui grup, bet365 poate recupera partea bonus sau plata suplimentara dintr-o astfel de oferta, poate anula orice pariu plasat din oferta si/sau poate anula orice castiguri dintr-un astfel de pariu. In plus, daca exista dovezi depre o astfel de activitate, bet365 impune clientului o taxa administrativa de pana la valoarea bonusului sau a platii suplimentare, pentru costurile administrative suportate pentru identificarea activitatii sau masurile luate impotriva acesteia.
  • bet365 poate recupera orice valoare bonus care a fost acordata dintr-o eroare.
  • Toate ofertele adresate clientilor sunt limitate la o singura oferta pe persoana. Daca bet365 are motive intemeiate sa creada ca bonusul sau oferta este solicitata de catre sau in beneficiul aceleiasi persoane de mai multe ori sau de catre un grup de persoane, bet365 poate retrage oricarui client sau grup de clienti disponibilitatea oricarei oferte sau a tuturor ofertelor, si/sau poate anula orice pariu plasat din bonus si poate anula orice castiguri obtinute dintr-un astfel de pariu.
  • bet365 poate face modificari minore la aceasta promotie in orice moment, pentru a corecta greseli de ortografie sau pentru a imbunatati claritatea sau experienta clientilor si poate anula sau restrictiona aceasta promotie din motive legale, de reglementare sau tehnice.
  • Angajatii, functionarii si directorii bet365, agentiile afiliate, detinatorii si furnizorii de licente, prestatorii de servicii si orice alte companii asociate sau afiliate, nu vor fi eligibili pentru a participa la oferta. Acesti termeni se aplica si familiilor acestor persoane.