bet365 offers are only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.

3rd October 2022 - 2nd January 2023

Weekly Reward

Complete weekly missions to receive prize wheel spins or cash prizes

Here's how it works:
  1. 1 Complete missions during weekly qualifying periods which run from 10:00 GMT on Monday until 09:59 GMT the following Monday each week.
  2. 2 Earn a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel for completing missions one to four.
  3. 3 Receive a cash prize for completing any other missions. See the table below for mission details.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Missions must be completed in the order stated in the table below.

Mission Mission Objective Prize
1-4 Generate €5 in rake or tournament fees One spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel for each mission completed
5 Generate €5 in rake or tournament fees €2.50 cash
6-10 Generate €25 in rake or tournament fees €5 cash
11-12 Generate €50 in rake or tournament fees €10 cash
13 Generate €50 in rake or tournament fees €15 cash
14+ Generate €100 in rake or tournament fees €25 cash
For missions 14 and above, you will receive a €25 cash prize each time you generate €100 in rake or tournament fees during the weekly qualifying period.

Prize Probability
€100 cash 0.004%
€10 Twister ticket 0.196%
€5 Twister ticket 0.864%
€1 Twister ticket 10.993%
€0.10 general ticket 62.817%
"€100 Weekly Reward" freeroll ticket 25.127%
Positions Probability
1-20 €5 Twister ticket
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers. Your account must be verified 30 days prior to a weekly qualifying period starting to be eligible to take part in this promotion. If your account is not fully verified before the weekly qualifying period begins, play will not contribute towards mission completion until the next qualifying period.
  • Weekly Reward runs from 10:00 GMT on 3rd October 2022 until 09:59 GMT on 2nd January 2023.
  • Weekly qualifying periods run from 10:00 GMT on Monday until 09:59 GMT on the following Monday each week during the promotional period.
  • You must complete the relevant mission requirements within a weekly qualifying period in order to receive a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel or for a cash prize. Missions must be completed in the order shown in the Mission Table.
  • You will receive a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel when you complete each of the first four missions and a cash reward upon completing each subsequent mission. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software.
  • For missions 14 and above, you will receive a €25 cash prize each time you generate €100 in rake or tournament fees during the weekly qualifying period.
  • All prizes awarded from the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel are automatically credited to your account.
  • All tickets awarded from the prize wheel expire 30 days after being credited.
  • “€100 Weekly Reward” freeroll tickets awarded from the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel are valid for entry to any “€100 Weekly Reward” freeroll tournament. These are single entry, All-in Shootouts and take place at 18:00 GMT every Monday until 9th January 2023.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Weekly Reward runs from 10:00 GMT on 3rd October 2022 until 09:59 GMT on 2nd January 2023.
  • Weekly qualifying periods run from 10:00 GMT on Monday until 09:59 GMT on the following Monday each week during the promotional period.
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers. Your account must be verified 30 days prior to a weekly qualifying period starting to be eligible to take part in this promotion. If your account is not fully verified before the weekly qualifying period begins, play will not contribute towards mission completion until the next qualifying period. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.

    As part of our full verification requirements you must be document verified. Visit our dedicated
    Verification page which provides an explanation of our requirements for full verification and guides you through the process.
Completing Your Mission
  • You must complete the relevant mission requirements within a weekly qualifying period in order to receive a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel or for a cash prize.
  • Missions must be completed in the order shown in the mission table.
  • Cash game hands contribute rake towards mission completion once the hand has finished and the pot has been awarded. Tournaments fees contribute towards mission completion once the tournament has started.
Getting Your Prize
  • You will receive a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel upon completing each of the first four missions. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software.
  • You will receive a cash reward upon completing each subsequent mission.
  • All prizes awarded from the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel are automatically credited to your account.
Using Your Prize
  • All tickets awarded from the prize wheel expire 30 days after being credited.
  • “€100 Weekly Reward” freeroll tickets awarded from the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel are valid for entry to any “€100 Weekly Reward” freeroll tournament. These are single entry, All-in Shootouts and take place at 18:00 GMT every Monday until 9th January 2023.
  • The top 20 finishers in the '€100 Weekly Reward' freerolls will receive a €5 Twister ticket. Twister tickets awarded as a result of finishing in the top 20 have a 30 day dynamic expiration.
  • Any unused Prize Wheel Spins will be removed 48 hours after the promotion finishes.
General Information
  • Not all tables are guaranteed to be available on all platforms during the promotional period.
  • The prize wheel is not guaranteed to release all prizes during the promotional period and all featured prizes will be visible on the prize wheel regardless of whether they are still available.
  • 每位客户仅可享受一项本公司所提供的优惠。如果bet365有理由怀疑同一个客户、同一组客户不止一次申领奖金或优惠,bet365可随时收回任何客户或客户组的任何或全部优惠,并/或取消任何使用奖金进行的投注和因这些投注而产生的彩金。
  • bet365可能随时对此优惠进行微改以更正笔误、提高用语清晰度或提升客户体验,并且可能随时因法律法规要求或技术原因取消或限制此优惠。
  • 所有提供的奖品/奖金都将依据bet365自主确定的货币乘数表来计算。
  • bet365保留拒绝赔付串谋作弊或使用温和玩法的玩家的权利。除此之外,当因任何原因玩家的账户被冻结或是玩家被禁止登录扑克室,该玩家将无法再享受此优惠的任何部分。
  • bet365的雇员、办公人员及管理人员﹑相关促销代理﹑授权者和被授权者、服务提供商及其他相关人员或合作机构都不得参加此活动。此规定亦适用于以上人员的直系亲属。