Welcome Package

Obtineti un bonus de 365€ si recompense suplimentare in timp ce jucati


Here's how the Welcome Package works:
  1. 1 Create an account then opt in via the Missions section of the poker software.
  2. 2 Play one hand on any poker game to unlock the first €5 of your redeemable bonus.
  3. 3 Participati la o serie de turnee sau jocuri cash pentru a obtine inca un bonus de 360€. Pe masura ce jucati, bonusul dumneavoastra va va deveni rascumparabil. Pentru detalii, consultati tabelul de mai jos.
  4. 4 Get additional rewards for completing Welcome Missions.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Bonus Cum se rascumpara Bonus Points pe transa Bonus Points - Total
Primii 5€ Rascumparat in transe de 2,50€ pe masura ce acumulati Bonus Points 25 50
Next €60 Rascumparat in transe de 2,50€ pe masura ce acumulati Bonus Points 100 2,400
Next €300 Rascumparat in transe de 2,50€ pe masura ce acumulati Bonus Points 250 30,000
Bonus Points sunt acumulate la o rata de 10 pentru fiecare 1€ platit in rake si/sau taxe la turneu. Daca aveti un bonus activ, puteti tine evidenta Bonus Points in sectiunea Bonus din software-ul Poker. De asemenea, puteti alterna bonusurile active oricand si puteti controla ce parte a bonusului doriti sa rascumparati mai intai.

Mission Reward
Avatar Mission
Change your avatar via the poker software
5 x €0.10 Free Blinds
Twister Mission
Buy-in to any Twister tournament
€1 Twister ticket and Welcome Prize Wheel spin
One additional Daily Welcome Mission will be available every day within the first seven days of creating your account. These missions will award Free Blinds and tournament tickets. Mission details can be found in the Missions section of the poker software.

Significant Terms and Conditions
  • In order for play to contribute towards redeeming your Welcome Package, you must opt in via the Missions section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards redeeming your Welcome Package.
  • Primii 5€ din bonusul rascumparabil de 365€ vor fi disponibili pentru rascumparare atunci cand va autentificati si va creati un nickname la Poker la bet365. Cei 360€ ramasi vor deveni disponibili pentru rascumparare dupa ce ati jucat 10 maini in orice joc cash sau turneu. Odata ce devine disponibil, fiecare bonus va fi transferat in balanta dumneavoastra in transe de 2,50€, dupa indeplinirea cerintelor relevante de Bonus Points, asa cum este detaliat in tabelul de mai sus. Puteti vizualiza progresul dumneavoastra in sectiunea Bonus din software-ul Poker.
  • Bonusul de 365€ va fi apoi rascumparat in transe de 2,50€ pe masura ce acumulati Bonus Points. Primele doua transe de 2,5€ sunt eliberate cand s-au acumulat 25 si 75 Bonus Points. Urmatoarele 24 de transe sunt rascumparate pentru fiecare 100 Bonus Points acumulate. Toate transele ramase sunt rascumparate pentru fiecare 250 Bonus Points acumulate.
  • Bonus Points sunt acumulate la o rata de 10 pentru fiecare 1€ platit in rake si/sau taxe la turneu. Orice parte nerascumparata din bonusul de 365€ expira dupa 60 de zile.
  • For the Twister Mission you must buy-in to any Twister Sit & Go tournament. Twister tickets can only be used to enter Twister tournaments with the corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after being credited.
  • Welcome Prize Wheel Spins will be credited to your account once you have played in a Twister tournament of any buy-in amount within seven days of account creation. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software. A breakdown of prizes is available in the table within the Using Your Prizes Terms and Conditions. Spins on the prize wheel expire seven days after they are credited.
  • For the Avatar Mission you must change your avatar via the client home screen or in the account settings of the poker software. If unused, Free Blind rewards expire 14 days after issue.
  • Toate misiunile trebuie finalizate in termen de sapte zile de la crearea contului.
  • Aceasta oferta este disponibila doar clientilor noi si eligibili care isi inregistreaza contul dupa ora 12:00 CET in 10 iunie 2024.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotia se desfasoara pana la ora 10:59 CET in 27 ianuarie 2025.
  • In order for play to contribute towards redeeming your Welcome Package, you must opt in via the Missions section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards redeeming your Welcome Package.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers who register their account from 12:00 CET on 10th June 2024. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
Redeeming Your €365 Bonus
  • Primii 5€ din bonusul rascumparabil de 365€ vor fi disponibili pentru rascumparare atunci cand va autentificati si va creati un nickname la Poker la bet365. Cei 360€ ramasi vor deveni disponibili pentru rascumparare dupa ce ati jucat 10 maini in orice joc cash sau turneu. Odata ce devine disponibil, fiecare bonus va fi transferat in balanta dumneavoastra in transe de 2,50€, dupa indeplinirea cerintelor relevante de Bonus Points, asa cum este detaliat in tabelul de mai sus. Puteti vizualiza progresul dumneavoastra in sectiunea Bonus din software-ul Poker.
  • Bonusul de 365€ va fi apoi rascumparat in transe de 2,50€ pe masura ce acumulati Bonus Points. Primele doua transe de 2,5€ sunt eliberate cand s-au acumulat 25 si 75 Bonus Points. Urmatoarele 24 de transe sunt rascumparate pentru fiecare 100 Bonus Points acumulate. Toate transele ramase sunt rascumparate pentru fiecare 250 Bonus Points acumulate.
  • Bonus Points sunt acumulate la o rata de 10 pentru fiecare 1€ platit in rake si/sau taxe la turneu.
  • There is no wagering requirement attached to the €365 bonus, and once redeemed, it can be withdrawn at your discretion. Any unredeemed part of your €365 bonus expires after 60 days.
  • Toate variantele de jocuri cash si turnee se iau in considerare la rascumpararea bonusului de 365€.
Finalizarea misiunilor
  • For the Avatar Mission you must change your avatar via the client home screen or in the account settings of the poker software.
  • For the Twister Mission you must buy-in to any Twister Sit & Go tournament.
  • All missions must be completed within seven days of account creation.
Using Your Prizes
  • Welcome Prize Wheel Spins will be credited to your account once you have played in a Twister tournament of any buy-in amount within seven days of account creation. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software.
  • A breakdown of prizes available from the Welcome Prize Wheel can be found in the table below.

    Welcome Prize Wheel Breakdown

    Prize Probability
    €5 Twister ticket 3.297%
    50 x €0.10 Free Blinds 3.297%
    €2 Twister ticket 8.242%
    20 x €0.10 Free Blinds 8.242%
    10 x €0.10 Free Blinds 16.484%
    €1 Twister ticket 16.484%
    €0.10 cash 43.956%
  • All Welcome Prize Wheel spins expire seven days after being credited.
  • All Twister tickets awarded from the Welcome Package are automatically credited to your account and can be used to enter any Twister tournament with a corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after they are credited.
  • MTT tickets awarded from Daily Welcome Mission completion are automatically credited to your account and can be used to enter any tournament with a corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after they are credited.
  • Free Blinds must be used on a bet365 Poker table that has blinds of the same value. The Free Blinds will be automatically redeemed in cash to the player’s main balance whenever the player posts a blind of this type. Free Blinds can be found in the Tickets section of the poker client. There must be a minimum of three players at the table in order to redeem the Free Blinds. If unused, Free Blind rewards expire 14 days after issue.
General Information
  • Trebuie sa cititi acesti termeni si conditii impreuna cu termenii si conditiile noastre generale.
  • Not all tables are guaranteed to be available on all platforms during the promotional period.
  • bet365 poate face modificari minore la aceasta promotie in orice moment, pentru a corecta greseli de ortografie sau pentru a imbunatati claritatea sau experienta clientilor si poate anula sau restrictiona aceasta promotie din motive legale, de reglementare sau tehnice.
  • bet365 isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza castigul oricarui jucator care este descoperit intr-o situatie de colaborare frauduloasa (collusion) sau de "soft play". In plus, in cazul in care contul unui jucator este blocat sau jucatorul este exclus din camera Poker indiferent de motiv, jucatorul respectiv va fi exclus din cadrul acestei promotii.
  • This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other open account offer.
  • In cazul in care oricare termen din aceasta oferta a fost incalcat sau exista dovezi ale unei serii de pariuri plasate de un client sau un grup de clienti care, datorita unui bonus depozit, unei plati suplimentare sau oricarei alte oferte promotionale, au ca rezultat un profit garantat pentru client, indiferent de rezultat, fie individual sau ca parte a unui grup, bet365 poate recupera partea bonus sau plata suplimentara dintr-o astfel de oferta, poate anula orice pariu plasat din oferta si/sau poate anula orice castiguri dintr-un astfel de pariu. In plus, daca exista dovezi depre o astfel de activitate, bet365 impune clientului o taxa administrativa de pana la valoarea bonusului sau a platii suplimentare, pentru costurile administrative suportate pentru identificarea activitatii sau masurile luate impotriva acesteia.
  • bet365 poate recupera orice valoare bonus care a fost acordata dintr-o eroare.
  • Toate ofertele adresate clientilor sunt limitate la o singura oferta pe persoana. Daca bet365 are motive intemeiate sa creada ca bonusul sau oferta este solicitata de catre sau in beneficiul aceleiasi persoane de mai multe ori sau de catre un grup de persoane, bet365 poate retrage oricarui client sau grup de clienti disponibilitatea oricarei oferte sau a tuturor ofertelor, si/sau poate anula orice pariu plasat din bonus si poate anula orice castiguri obtinute dintr-un astfel de pariu.
  • Angajatii, functionarii si directorii bet365, agentiile afiliate, detinatorii si furnizorii de licente, prestatorii de servicii si orice alte companii asociate sau afiliate, nu vor fi eligibili pentru a participa la oferta. Acesti termeni se aplica si familiilor acestor persoane.