Here's how it works:
- 1 Play on eligible tables during daily qualifying periods.
- 2 Accumulate leaderboard points when you make hands which include eights, in your first 88 hands.
- 3 Win a share of €888 in cash prizes, when you finish in the top eight of a daily leaderboard.
You must play on No Limit Hold'em Tables with minimum blinds of €0.05/€0.10 during daily qualifying periods. You will have 88 hands per leaderboard in which you can accumulate leaderboard points each day and you can start again from zero points at any time. It is not necessary to play all 88 hands for any accrued points to count.
Points will be awarded for any hand where two, three or four eights make up your best five-card hand. The number of eights involved in your hand will determine the number of points awarded – one point for each eight, plus two bonus points for pocket eights. Points will be multiplied according to the blind staking level.
More details about point accumulation and specific table requirements can be found in the terms below and in the Missions section of the poker software.
Position | Prize |
1 | €100 cash |
2 | €50 cash |
3 | €25 cash |
4-7 | €10 cash |
8 | €7 cash |
Position | Prize |
1 | €300 cash |
2 | €150 cash |
3 | €75 cash |
4-7 | €30 cash |
8 | €21 cash |
Significant Terms and Conditions
- This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.
- Snowman Collector runs from 10:00 GMT on 19th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 1st January 2023.
- Qualifying periods run daily from 00:00 GMT until 23:59 GMT throughout the promotion with the exception of the first, which runs from 10:00 GMT until 23:59 GMT on 19th December 2022.
- In order to earn points towards the Low Stakes Cash Leaderboard, you must play on tables with blinds of: €0.05/€0.10, €0.12/€0.25 or €0.25/€0.50. To earn points towards the High Stakes Cash Leaderboard you must play on tables with blinds of: €0.50/€1.00, €1.00/€2.00 or €2.50/€5.00.
- You can accumulate points on both leaderboards in a daily qualifying period providing that the above staking requirements are met for each leaderboard.
- Points from your first 88 hands will be awarded based on how many eights make up your best five-card poker hand, with the minimum being two. You will have 88 hands per leaderboard, per day, in which you can accumulate points. Two leaderboard points will be awarded for a pair of eights, three leaderboard points for three eights and four leaderboard points for four eights.
- For blinds of €0.12/€0.25 or €1.00/€2.00, points awarded as a result of winning the hand with any eligible hand shall be multiplied by 1.25. For blinds of €0.25/€0.50 or €2.50/€5.00, points awarded as a result of winning the hand with any eligible hand shall be multiplied by 1.5.
- You will also receive two additional bonus points if you are dealt pocket eights as your hole cards. Bonus points will not be multiplied.
- Leaderboard points will only be accumulated whilst your hand is live. For example, if you fold a pair of non-pocket eights, which then improves to three of a kind, you will only receive two points.
- The leaderboard is automatically updated after the hand is complete. All prizes awarded from daily leaderboard placement are credited automatically to your account at the end of each daily qualifying period. Leaderboard information can be found in the poker software.
- You can choose to restart your first 88 hands on any leaderboard at any point. This will clear all points gained for that specific leaderboard and you will restart on zero points. The restart button can be found within the leaderboard section of the poker software.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
- Snowman Collector runs from 10:00 GMT on 19th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 1st January 2023.
- Qualifying periods run daily from 00:00 GMT until 23:59 GMT throughout the promotion with the exception of the first, which runs from 10:00 GMT until 23:59 GMT on 1st January 2023.
- This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
As part of our full verification requirements you must be document verified. Visit our dedicated Verification page which provides an explanation of our requirements for full verification and guides you through the process.
Accumulating Your Points
- In order to earn points towards the Low Stakes Cash Leaderboard, you must play on tables with blinds of: €0.05/€0.10, €0.12/€0.25 or €0.25/€0.50. To earn points towards the High Stakes Cash Leaderboard you must play on tables with blinds of: €0.50/€1.00, €1.00/€2.00 or €2.50/€5.00.
- You can accumulate points on both leaderboards in a daily qualifying period providing that the above staking requirements are met for each leaderboard.
- Points will be awarded during your first 88 hands of each leaderboard and are awarded based on how many eights make up your best five-card poker hand, with the minimum being two. Points will be multiplied according to the blind staking level. Two leaderboard points will be awarded for a pair of eights, rising to three leaderboard points for three eights and finally four leaderboard points for four of a kind, eights.
- For blinds of €0.12/€0.25 or €1.00/€2.00, points awarded as a result of winning the hand with any eligible hand shall be multiplied by 1.25. For blinds of €0.25/€0.50 or €2.50/€5.00, points awarded as a result of winning the hand with any eligible hand shall be multiplied by 1.5. For example, if you’re playing a Cash Table with blinds of €0.12/€0.25 or €1.00/€2.00 and you win the hand with any eligible hand you will be awarded 2 points. If you’re playing a Cash Table with blinds of €0.25/€0.50 or €2.50/€5.00 and you win the hand with any eligible hand, you will be awarded 3 points.
- You will also receive two additional bonus points if you're dealt pocket eights as your hole cards. Bonus points will not be multiplied.
- The leaderboard is automatically updated after the hand is complete. All prizes awarded from daily leaderboard placement are credited automatically to your account at the end of each daily qualifying period. Leaderboard information can be found in the poker software.
- Leaderboard points will only be accumulated whilst your hand is live. For example, if you fold a pair of non-pocket eights, which then improves to three of a kind, you will only receive two points. However, if you are dealt pocket eights as your hole cards, you will still receive two bonus points no matter what course of action you take.
- Cash Table hands count towards your leaderboard points once the pot has been awarded within the qualifying period.
- You can choose to restart your first 88 hands on any leaderboard at any point. This will clear all points gained for that specific leaderboard and you will restart on zero points. The restart button can be found within the leaderboard section of the poker software.
Getting Your Prize
- All prizes awarded from daily leaderboard placements are credited automatically to your account at the end of each daily qualifying period.
In The Event Of A Tie
- For the daily leaderboard: your position will be based on the number of leaderboard points you accumulate. If you have the same number of points as another player/other players, the first person who accumulated that amount of points would place first on the applicable leaderboard. For example, if two people are tied for 1st on 50 points, but you accumulated your points at 15:00 GMT and the other player accumulated their points at 19:00 GMT, you would finish 1st.
General Information
- Not all tables are guaranteed to be available on all platforms during the promotional period.
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- bet365 puede reclamar la cantidad de cualquier bono que se haya otorgado por error.
- Todas las ofertas para clientes se limitan a una por persona. En caso de tener indicios razonables de que la bonificación u oferta está siendo solicitada por o en beneficio de la misma persona más de una vez, o por un grupo de personas, bet365 podría retirar la disponibilidad de cualquier o todas las ofertas a dicho cliente o grupo de clientes y/o anular cualquier apuesta hecha con fondos de la bonificación y eliminar las ganancias asociadas a esta.
- bet365 puede, en cualquier momento, realizar cambios menores a esta promoción para corregir errores tipográficos o para mejorar la claridad o la experiencia de los clientes, y puede cancelar o restringir esta promoción por razones legales, normativas o técnicas.
- bet365 se reserva el derecho a denegar el premio a un cliente jugando en colusión con otro/s o jugando suave (soft play). Además, cuando la cuenta de un jugador se encuentre bloqueada o excluida de las salas de póquer por cualquier razón, este no podrá beneficiarse de ningún aspecto de la promoción.
- Esta promoción no es válida para empleados, directivos y consejeros de bet365, sus agencias de promoción u otras, proveedores de licencia y/o licenciatarios, proveedores de servicio y cualquier otra compañía asociada o afiliada. Los mismos términos son aplicables a familiares directos de tales personas.