Winter Sales Week

Discounted tournaments are available this week.

Complete a great range of missions with even greater prizes available; including cash and Twister tickets. Spin a prize wheel after mission completion to earn freeroll tickets and cash rewards!

Here's how it works:
  1. 1 Complete missions during qualifying periods which run from 00:00 GMT on Monday until 23:59 GMT on the following Sunday each week, apart from the first weekly qualifying period that runs from 07:00 GMT on Monday 1st October 2018 until 23:59 GMT on the following Sunday.
  2. 2 For your first four missions, earn a spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel for a chance to win great prizes.
  3. 3 From mission five onwards, earn a prize wheel spin where there is a guaranteed cash reward based on the rake or tournament fees that you accumulate.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Mission Requirement Prize Prize
1-4 Generate €5 in rake or tournament fees One spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel for each mission completed One spin on the Weekly Reward Prize Wheel for each mission completed
5 Generate €5 in rake or tournament fees €2.50 cash €2.50 cash
6-10 Generate €25 in rake or tournament fees €5 cash €5 cash
11-12 Generate €50 in rake or tournament fees €10 cash €10 cash
13 Generate €50 in rake or tournament fees €15 cash €15 cash
14-15 Generate €100 in rake or tournament fees €25 cash €25 cash
16-17 Generate €250 in rake or tournament fees €75 cash €75 cash
18-20 Generate €500 in rake or tournament fees €150 cash €150 cash
21 Generate €1,000 in rake or tournament fees €325 cash €325 cash
22 Generate €1,500 in rake or tournament fees €450 cash €450 cash
Saturday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Saturday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Sunday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Sunday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Sunday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Sunday Generate €2,500 in rake or tournament fees €750 cash €750 cash
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • The Weekly Cash Bonus promotion runs from 10:00 CET on 3rd February 2020 until 23:59 CET on 30th June 2020.
  • Weekly qualifying periods run from 00:00 CET on Monday until 23:59 CET on the following Sunday each week, apart from the first weekly qualifying period that runs from 07:00 CET on Monday 1st October 2018 until 23:59 CET on the following Sunday. The final qualifying period runs from 00:00 CET on Monday 22nd June until 23:59 CET on Tuesday 30th June 2020.
  • You must complete the relevant mission requirements within a weekly qualifying period to qualify for either a spin on the Weekly Cash Bonus Prize Wheel or cash reward.
  • Each mission can only be completed once, with a limit of 24 missions that can be completed in any one weekly qualifying period. Missions must be completed in order as per the Mission Table.
  • Each mission can only be completed once, with a limit of 24 missions that can be completed in any one weekly qualifying period. Missions must be completed in order as per the Mission Table.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • The Weekly Cash Bonus promotion runs from 10:00 CET on 3rd February 2020 until 23:59 CET on 30th June 2020.
  • The Weekly Cash Bonus promotion runs from 10:00 CET on 3rd February 2020 until 23:59 CET on 30th June 2020.
Completing Your Mission
  • You must complete the relevant mission requirements within a weekly qualifying period to qualify for either a spin on the Weekly Cash Bonus Prize Wheel or cash bonus.
  • Each mission can only be completed once, with a limit of 24 missions that can be completed in any one weekly qualifying period.
General Information
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
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  • Всяка предложена награда/бонус ще бъде изчислена според текущата таблица за валутите, определена единствено от bet365.
  • bet365 си запазва правото да откаже плащане на играч, за който е установено сътрудничество или пасивна игра. В допълнение, ако сметката на играч е блокирана или е изключена от покер по каквато и да е причина, играчът ще бъде отстранен от всички аспекти на тази промоция.
  • Никой от служителите на bet365, агенциите, с които работи, лицензиантите, провайдъри на услуги или други свързани и партньорски компании, няма право да ползва тази Промоция. Същото важи и за преките семейства на горепосочените.